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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All


To enable our pupils to have access to the full range of educational opportunities that are offered at Columbia Grange School, we aim to ensure that all children attend school as often as possible. If your child is unable to attend school because of ill health, or for any other reason, it is essential that the school is informed by telephone, before 10 a.m. on the first day of absence. If the school does not receive a reason for the absence, parents will be contacted on the first day of absence to determine the reason for non attendance. Parents should also inform the taxi service, if your child will be absent from school and should advise them when the transport needs to be resumed. Persistent absences will be monitored - you will be invited for an informal discussion with the Head Teacher on how we can support you and your child to improve attendance.  Continued persistent absence will be referred to the School Inclusion Officer. We encourage all parents to take holidays during the school holidays. If you are unable to do this then a holiday permission form must be completed then returned to the main office.

For advice on recommended periods of absence for illness and infection please click link below

Infection control