Autumn 2
Lets Read a Story
Red Pathway Medium Term Plan Rose Class Autumn Term 2 2023 |
Let’s Read a Story |
Communication *To have an introduction to the zones of regulation and use daily. *To use communication boards daily during continuous provision to progress on language skills. *To use makaton and PEC’s daily to improve language skills. *Sensory Story *To continue with our weekly massage stories. *To follow steps in cookery to be able to make gingerbread men and porridge. *To continue to use PEC’s,verbal or signing to get needs met. *To use our body to copy simple rhythms ( clap name during hello song) *To indicate we want more during stories and songs. |
Early Reading & Writing *To look at a variety of sensory stories(The gingerbread man,Jack and the beanstalk,Dear zoo,Goldilocks and the three bears,We are going on a bear hunt,A christmas story. *To begin to use symbols and pictures together linked to stories. *To do sguiggle whilst you wiggle weekly to promote pre writing skills. *To do tapping, tacpac, write dance throughout the week to promote pre writing skills. |
Early Maths *To use an object of reference board with little support. *To explore cause and effect toys and their uses. *Write dance sessions (straight and vertical)continued from last term to consolidate learning and then to progress onto the next steps (circle,cross and diagonal). *To wait for turn and to use communication board for counting songs. *To begin to do some simple measuring (beanstalks). |
Creative *To continue doing weekly charanga and move onto unit 2 and 3. *To create art pieces of characters from the stories we have read. *To use different mediums during continuous provision linked to our stories of the week. * To explore “We are going on a bear hunt” using sensory materials and with support act out the story. *To use playdough to create characters from the story. *Use sensory resources to develop our fine motor skills. |
ICT *To use the ipod to take photos of our work with support. *To use the IWB to turn pages of a story. *To use cause and effect toys. *To use the sound and light room efficiently. |
Physical/Sensory *PE-Sensory Dance *PE-Games and following instructions. *To participate in tacpac sessions. *To participate in massage stories. *To access the sensory room and light and sound room and use the equipment appropriately. *To begin to use communication boards in the light and sound room and sensory room to express needs and wants. *To improve fine motor skills during write dance,squiggle whilst you wiggle and tapping sticks. *To participate in sensory stories. |
Personal & Social *To begin to use the zones of regulation daily and recognise our feelings. *To follow a basic toileting programme. *To follow a basic feeding programme. *To recognise our belongings and where they are located. *To be aware of staying safe when on educational visits. |
Science *To explore sensory cookery sessions. *To explore and observe through play. *To match items and objects linked to our stories. *To demonstrate curiosity when on educational visits. |
Knowledge & Understanding
*To listen and explore resources during sensory story sessions. *To continue with now and next and begin to recognise what comes next without prompts. *Getting our coats and wellies on and finding where everything we need is. |
Week 1-The Gingerbread Man
This week we have been looking at the gingerbread man story. We have been exploring resources, listening to the story, exploring the story sack and making some lovely work.
We loved doing a gingerbread man science experiment and loved the exploding gingerbread.
We have counted gingerbread in maths and posted them through a sorting box.
We have started our squiggle whilst you wiggle programme to work alongside our write dance programme to help support our pre writing skills.
In cookery we made firework biscuits and gingerbread men.
Have a lovely but safe weekend!
Week 2- Jack and the Beanstalk
This week we visited Birkdale Drive Park again and enjoyed lots of stretching like a beanstalk. We made our own beanstalks going into the cloud for our Attention Everyone session. We then did our daddy finger sensory massage and our Jack and the beanstalk sensology session. We have been doing more of our prewriting skills and we enjoyed practising banging the drum in charanga.
We celebrated a birthday with lots of food and chocolate cake.
Week 3- Dear Zoo
This week we have adjusted to our new class really well and have enjoyed exploring our new environment.
We have had lots of fun with the animals from our story.
We have rescued the animals using our fine motor skills they were all stuck to the table! We have put the animals back in their boxes just like the story. We have build enclosures using wooden bricks and we have used sand and glitter and gloop to make animal marks.
We have made a giraffe and an elephant in art and attention everyone.
We have moved like animals in our PE session.
We have been using our communication boards to communicate with staff when accessing our continuous provision.
Week 4 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This week we have loved our sensology session of Goldilocks and the 3 bears. We have enjoyed looking at the size of the bears belongings and moving the bears around.
We have really enjoyed adjusting our foot spas and putting water beads in and having our relaxation sessions.
In our continuous provision this week we have explored props from the story, used whiteboards to mark make and colour matched the bears to their matching board.
Week 5- We are going on a Bear Hunt
We have enjoyed exploring this story using our different senses. We also listened to an alternative version from YouTube and liked the song version. We have been counting bears in numeracy.
We had fun visiting Jesmond Dene to see the animals and played on the park.
We started our Christmas crafts and made placemats for our party.
We also used our finger prints to make Christmas cards for our family.
We completed our sensory dance- we are just sooooo good at this now.
In cookery we made some bauble biscuits.
Week 6- The coolest snowman/Snowdude
We have been continuing with our Christmas crafts. We made some little snowmen. We also made some snowmen window decorations. We listened to the sensory story-the coolest snowman/snowdude.
We made party hats ready for next week- we are all going to be gorgeous reindeers for the party.
This week we had the pleasure of inviting all parents/carers to come to our Christmas stay and play session-we thank everyone who attended the support is much appreciated and everyone had a great time!
Week 7- Christmas