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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

Summer 1

Hi everyone this half term our topic is transport. Each week we will focus on a specific vehicle including buses, cars and trains. The children will explore the vehicles and have the opportunity to participate in new and exciting activities



Week 1 and 2  Trains 

This week we have been looking at trains we read The train ride and used props with the story to promote creative learning.

We are doing the Story Massage Programme which is based on ten simple strokes, given through clothes, that are used to ‘illustrate’ the words of a story, song or poem. The strokes each have a self-explanatory name such as The Wave or The Calm and an accompanying symbol as a visual cue. These strokes have been designed to offer a choice of sensory responses, depth of pressure, and range of descriptive movements. Tracing a large circle, for example, can depict the sun, a sense of community or dancing at a disco. While a squeezing action can represent a hug or eating a delicious meal.

In Senseology we used our 5 senses look, hear, touch , taste and smell to explore objects relating to transport. In cookery we are making cheese and ham sandwiches, we are learning to spread , cut and chooses our fillings.

We had fun in PE with June using movement and music to follow instructions.

In maths we are looking at 2D shapes, we are exploring the properties as well as sorting and matching the shapes.

We are using our Charanga programme to listen to music and song, copy action and explore musical instruments.

For our physical development we are learning to use the outdoor play equipment correctly as well as taking turns with our friends.

In our outdoor learning area we have been riding bikes, mark making, drawing roads and vehicles with chalk, we have explore our sand and water toys as well as using a variety of construction toys to build vehicles.








  • To listen to counting songs
  • To explore props linked to counting songs
  • To accept adult prompting during activity.
  • To Pupil can pick up small objects using a pincer grip - fine motor activities including parking cars into numbered car parking bays, 
  • Posting correct number of objects
  • Fine motor skills to pick up small vehicles etc while counting
  • Pupil can reach for or look at objects as they are counted - cars in the car park, people on the aeroplane, tracks on the trainline, stars/planets in the sky, boats on the sea
  • Following and recognising daily routine with support
  • Appreciate numerals are objects of meaningful reference - daily counting activity with props
  • To complete a sequence of actions/activities that creates a pattern - creating vehicles using shapes


  • Pupil demonstrates intentional, spontaneous responses to familiar stories, rhymes or poems, e.g. reaches, vocalises or makes eye contact to request continuation of event or activity within familiar story, rhyme or poem (SU1.1; SU4.2-4.3).
  • Pupil vocalises deliberately to communicate and vocalisations begin to sound word-like (JA 4.1-2.2; SU5.1-5.2).
  • Pupil’s gestures are becoming more developed and intentional (SU4.3-4.5).
  • Pupil understands words like ‘no’ and ‘goodbye’ in familiar contexts (SU2.2,2.7, SU6.4).
  • Pupil responds to own name (SU6.1).
  • Pupil experiments with sounds and enjoys the repetition of them, e.g.repetitive strings, lah, lah, lah. (SU5.1)
  • Pupil uses hands to explore objects, materials or sensory text resources.
  • Pupil seeks attention through eye contact (JA2.1-2.2).
  • Pupil uses primitive pincer grasp (thumb and fingers but not finger tips).
  • Pupil intentionally transfers object from one hand to the other. 
  • Pupil uses hand and finger movements to explore objects and surfaces. 
  • To listen to nursery rhymes and explore props provided
  • To listen to Sensory Stories - Train ride, wheels on the bus , The noisy car
  • To respond to early to interaction rhymes involving physical closeness and being face-to-face.
  • To explore props linked to stories 
  • To join in with musical sessions accepting support to tap a simple steady beat
  • To  explore texture and moving parts.


  • To explore sensory objects linked to topic 
  • To explore  water - splashing, pouring
  • To responds to sound making toys - instruments, songs
  • To explore shiny materials
  • To observe changes in cookery


Pre formal

Medium Term Plan

              Class: Rainbow 

Topic: Transport


  • To request more of interaction games such as ‘peek-a-boo.’
  •  respond to interactions
  • To copy noises and facial movements.
  • To repeats own vocalisation after adult copies them
  • To communicate using preferred method e.g. PECS, makaton, comm board to request items that motivate them favourite toy/actions/food etc
  • To anticipates an action by moving body in response
  • To respond to loud sounds
  • Pupil is attentive to familiar environmental sounds and voice sounds.
  • To be aware that some objects make sounds
  • To react to music with a strong, steady beat.
  • To explore  dancing and marching
  • To explore  using musical instruments alongside music 
  • rhythm



Creative Development

  • To engage with adult in motivating sensory input
  • To recognise pleasure in shared activities
  • To accept help/support when upset or frustrated
  • To tolerate shared regulation 
  • To start to  understand that being different makes us all special
  • To turn-take using a turn-taking board

  • Explore and interact with a range of textures e.g. sand, rice , shaving foam, gloop
  • To takes part in sensory sessions such as TACPAC/Sensology  to develop body awareness and develop touch tolerance
  • To experiment with different ways of moving
  • To move to music
  • To accept swimming sessions
  • To make movements in the water 


  • Pupils encounter a range of objects, images and sounds - linked to weekly focus (aeroplanes, cars, trains, tractors, emergency services, 
  • Pupil will join in with familiar writing activities, by making any marks on paper or other surfaces - Write Dance, Matman, Independent art
  • Cookery - 
  • To make a sandwich - choose fillings
  • spread , cut, eat, explore
  • mixing ingredients, making a dough


  • To explore Charanga unit 5

At Home

  • To share stories together 
  • To begin to dress/undress with help
  • To wash our hands
  • To explore the environment around us 

Week  3   Buses

We went out on the bus to the park and took photos of vehicles that we spotted. We saw larges buses, bikes, truck, and we drove down to the Marina to look at all the boats.


In art we used collage materials to design a school bus.


For outdoor learning we made track , used role play traffic sign and used the bikes and scooters.


In attention everyone we washed the dirty vehicles, made tracks in the paint and explore fun sensory toys.


We read the Story the wheels on the bus and explored the props. We had people, a steering wheel, wipers, babies and a driver.


The children enjoyed using the chairs to make a bus and took turns being the driver.


In Maths we explored a variety a 2D shaped , we sorted and named the shapes, played the monster shape games, made shapes with play dough and drew shaped with our felt tips.