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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

 Autumn 2 

This half term our topic is 'Will you read me a story?'

Week 1 - Room on the Broom

This week we have enjoyed starting our new topic looking at the story 'Room on the Broom'.

During the week the children have enjoyed listening to the story and talking about what happened. We also had a treat watching the animated DVD version of the story. In numeracy children have enjoyed using their number skills to create a trick or treat potion putting the correct number of ingredients into their cauldrons. They also enjoyed accessing lots of 'Halloween' based activities around the classroom.

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Week 2 - The Three Little Pigs

This week the children have been enjoying the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. In Literacy they really enjoyed our sensory story exploring the different materials used to make the houses as well as using the hairdryer to recreate the wolf blowing down the houses. The children enjoyed joining in with key parts of the story and using the puppets in the role play area to retell the story to each other. In numeracy we looked at ordinal numbers 1st 2nd 3rd and last linked to the story as well.

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Also this week the children have enjoyed a trip to Broom House Farm to visit the pigs, a lovely treat on Thursday listening to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra perform with some of the children in the class and some nice art activities linked to Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day. 

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Week 3 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Our story this week has been ‘Goldilocks and the 3 Bears’. The children have enjoyed acting out the story and repeating key parts of the story back. Children enjoyed tasting the porridge during our sensory story and completing different activities linked to the story throughout the week.

This week as part of ‘Anti-bullying’ week the children were allowed to wear odd socks on Monday to remind us how we are all different. During the week the children talked about being kind to each other and completed an activity about what makes a good friend.

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Also this week the children really enjoyed our sensory dance P.E lesson. The children used the parachute, pom-poms and tapping sticks to dance and follow movements to different pieces of music including ‘Cotton Eyed Joe’ and ‘The Laughing Policeman’.

For Children in Need the children were allowed to come in their own clothes from home. During the day we completed lots of ‘Pudsey Bear’ activities and in the afternoon we had a Pudsey Party and disco!

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Week 4 - Stick Man

This week the children have enjoyed another Julia Donaldson story book called 'Stick Man'. On Monday, we read the story and practiced joining in with the line 'I'm Stick Man, I'm Stick Man, I'm Stick Man that's me'. In the afternoon we went on a woodland walk at 'Thornley Woods' talking about what we could see, hear, feel and smell. Also this week we have been busy starting Christmas preparations, practicing our Christmas song and starting our Christmas crafts.

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Week 5 - Stick Man

  We have continued to complete work linked to our story 'Stick Man' this week although the countdown to Christmas has also started in Class 9. During the week the children have been busy using their hands to create a lovely Christmas gift for mams and dads that we are sure you will love when you receive them!

On Monday the children put everything they have learnt this half term to practice in cookery as we asked them to make a slice of toast by themselves with as little support or prompts as possible. The children did fantastic and we are so proud of how well they did and how independent they were. Afterwards the children even washed their own dishes!

On Thursday we went to Richardson's Garden Centre to see the reindeer! The children were really excited to see them however the reindeer were a bit tired so we didn't get to feed them, as much as we have loved to. It didn't stop us having a lovely time though especially with a trip to the cafe for juice and biscuits! 

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Week 6 - The Snowman - Christmas is coming!

Christmas is in full swing in Class 9 and the children have had a fun week with two trips out on the school bus, as well as welcoming a new visitor to our classroom! The children have also enjoyed decorating the classroom and completing Christmas art and craft activities.

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This week as a Christmas treat, (especially for our Year 6 children as it is their last here at Columbia Grange!) we visited Fenwick's Christmas window. The children loved looking at the window and all the moving parts. Afterwards we popped into the cafe for a drink and cookie as a treat. On Thursday we then visited Dobbie's Garden Centre in Ponteland to look at the Christmas decorations and buy a drink in the cafe.

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Also this week we welcomed 'Buddy' the elf to Class 9. Buddy told the children in a letter that he had been a little bit silly and ran away from the North Pole to have some fun with the children in Class 9. So far this week he has been a little bit mischievous having a marshmallow bath, making a snow angel with the glitter, drawing faces on the teachers photos as well as stuffing his face full of Nutella! See him in action in the pictures below.

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Week 7 - Christmas

What a fantastic week we have had this week in Class 9! The children pulled it out of the bag and performed amazingly well during our Christmas performances on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. We are so very proud of them and know that you will be too! Thank you so much for the lovely feedback in the School Diaries about the performances and Christmas crafts that we sent home, we're glad that you liked them!

Buddy the elf decided to play a trick with the wrong toys this week when he stuck the superheroes to the whiteboard! Unfortunately they were quick to get their own back by sticking him on the train track with a train coming towards him! The children rescued Buddy and hopefully he has learnt his lesson but we will see for certain next week!

Week 8 - Christmas 

We have had a lovely last week in Class 9 - Lots of nice Christmas activities and two trips out on the bus. We went to the Metrocentre on Monday to see the Christmas decorations and have a treat in McDonald's then on Thursday afternoon a visit to see the animals and a treat in the cafe at Broom House Farm. The children also had their Christmas party this week where we had lots of fun! From all of us in Class 9 we hope you have a fantastic Christmas and we look forward to seeing the children again in 2019! 

Gavin, Amy and Tina x

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