The school has three current pupil pathways (approximate mainstream equivalence of pathway developmental level is in brackets):
Red zone is Pre-formal (early preparation working towards Nursery);
Green zone is Informal (Nursery to Reception)
Blue zone is Semi-formal (Reception to Y1).
The pathways are fed by the Rainbow classes, which are the typical entry point for our younger pupils and is in place to identify a pathway through school for children with complex needs and splintered skills profiles. As can be expected with a school of our type and size, the shape of the pathways may change year on year to reflect the developing needs of our pupils.
We have a team of experienced and skilled higher level teaching assistants who carry our withdrawal and embedded sessions to help identified pupils ‘Catch up’ and ‘Keep up’. This team work across school and also introduce new specific programmes for pupils on request and following guidance fro teachers, Speech and Language Therapy and our Occupational Therapist.
To learn more about each pathway and to see some typical medium-term plans please click on any of the pathways below.