The SEND Ranges

Will provide a core framework for all professionals working with the pupil and will give greater clarity for parents, families and carers in terms of what their child's needs are, and what each child is receiving

Are based on the best practice covered by the Children and Families Act 2014

Descriptors are based on national best practice in determining the needs of pupils with SEND

Are based on the four areas of the SEND Code of Practice (2014/15)

Are also based on the 'golden thread'; the graduated approach of

  • assess
  • plan
  • do
  • review

Have been co-produced between education and SEND colleagues in other LAs incorporating parent, carer and family views.  They provide a helpful reference point in relation to identifying level of need, and will support children and young people with additional needs with consistency across schools

The SEND Ranges provide a framework for staff at Columbia Grange School to appropriately identify the needs of their pupils and ensure the provision corresponds with their level of need.

We use PLPs (personalised learning plans) to track children's learning and development and progress against their EHCP targets and outcomes. Classroom provision, teaching and learning sessions, resources and additional intervention are based around their PLPs.

The SEND Ranges are also used during the EHCP Annual Review process to ensure children's needs and difficulties are accurately documented in their One Plan and amendments are made, if necessary.

The 'Preparing for Adulthood' section is a key aspect of the SEND Ranges which facilitates staff in ensuring targets and provision promote the fundamental life skills of; independence, employability, community living and health.

At Columbia Grange School, we consider our effective home/school links and communication with families one of our strengths and encourage families to be involved with their child's learning journey, wherever possible.

If you would like further information regarding your child's provision at school or the SEND Ranges please contact: John Lines (Headteacher) or Sarah Kemp (Deputy Headteacher).

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SEND Information Report

Click below to read the Special Education Needs Information Report.

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Report to Governors

Click below to read the Annual Report for Governors.

SEND Local Offer from City of Sunderland

Supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities age 0-25.

What is the 'Local Offer'

As part of the SEND reforms under the Children and Families Act (2014), all Local Authorities now have to publish a Local Offer. The purpose of the Local Offer is to "offer" information in a single place, which can help you find and understand what services and support you and your family can expect to be available from a range of local agencies. 

The aim of the Local Offer is to support children and young people with SEN and disabilities to feel included within their communities and to be independent. It can help them to make choices and decisions that may have a positive impact on their lives now and into the future.

More information can be found by clicking the button below