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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

                                          Spring 1

Our topic this half term is Traditional Tales. We will be listening to a range of stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and Jack and the Beanstalk. We will use props to fully engage in each story as well as enhancing our learning through sensory experiences in our continuous provision within our classroom and outdoor areas. This will include exploring and tasting porridge, looking at large and small linked to the three bears, building homes for the three little pigs and dressing in disguise like the wolf.

We will take part in weekly sensology sessions using our senses to investigate items that relate to each story. As well as weekly cookery and tasting sessions linked to each story, art, Tacpac, Attention everyone sessions, charange and p.e.

We will spend time in the light and sounds room and hedgehog hideaway to engage in intensive interaction sessions.

Medium Term Plan - Spring Term

Early Maths

  • Listen and attend to a range of number based songs and rhymes.
  • Take part in maths based continuous provision activities.
  • Matching object to picture, object to symbol, symbol to symbol etc. Including shape, number, patterns and colour.
  • Begin to explore early weight/measure throughout continuous provision and cookery.
  • Begin to explore small and large through traditional tales.


  • Exchange single symbols consistently across a range of different tasks/activities.
  • Listen and engage in sensology, sensory stories, tac pac, cookery, intensive interaction sessions, attention everyone etc. 
  • Respond to our names in a range of environments.
  • Continue to respond to and initiate interactions with class staff. 
  • Respond to a range of familiar instructions verbally and through the use of visuals/pecs.


  • To access and explore the new ball pool environment.
  • To access swimming weekly.
  • Develop life skills, e.g changing, shoes on, waterproofs on, putting coats on.
  • To take part in gross motor activities in P.E to develop muscle tone, balance and coordination. 
  • To explore a range or sensory materials linked to our topic story- sensory story, continuous provision, food tasting etc. 

Knowledge & Understanding of the World:

  • To begin to recognise different colours.
  • To begin to understand different weathers through sensory input and how to dress appropriately for the weather.
  • To begin to recognise a range of objects linked to traditional tales, e.g planting seeds, making porridge
  • Explore a range of multi sensory activities involving smell, touch, taste, audio and visual stimuli.
  • To show understanding of objects, materials and events, e.g. holding shaker close to ear, smelling a flower etc.
  • To explore new foods and textures linked to the topic.
  • To explore different textures such as hard, soft.

      Let's Explore…..Traditional tales


Creative Development

  • To paint a variety of items using different tools - e.g. sponges, paintbrushes, fingers.
  • To create various items using natural objects linked to the topic, e.g straw, sticks, leaves.
  • To make a range of collages - sticking down a range of different materials.
  • To take part in weekly charanga music sessions - following routine, exploring instruments and moving our bodies to music


  • Follow classroom rules and routines.
  • Continue to work on my independence and self help skills - toileting, getting changed for P.E, eating, looking after my own things etc.
  • Wash hands independently before and after cookery, snack and dinner.

Outdoor Learning

  • Putting on my wellies, waterproofs and coats independently. 
  • Work on transitioning from inside to outside areas and vice versa independently.
  • Take part in treasure hunts on the Discovery Park - Looking for a range of items or pictures.
  • Access a range of activities on the adventure playground, slides, and climbing.
  • Take part in weekly visits on the school bus - put on my own seatbelt.


  • Traditional tales - read traditional tales with your child.
  • Encourage independence with self help skills at home linked to my own targets.