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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

World Math's Day

Wednesday day was World Math's Day and as usual we all got involved. 

Some of the activities we took part in included...

Fun on the Discovery Park to do a shape hunt. Some children pointed and felt the different shapes and some record the shape they found using a tally system on their worksheets.
Can you find shapes around the Discovery Park?
How many circles can you find?   
How many squares can you find?  
How many triangles can you find?   
How many rectangles can you find?  
How many stars can you find? 
We also took part in measurement activities, including
Can you build the tallest tower without knocking it down?
Can you build the longest snake using large blocks?
Can you run as fast as you can around the Discovery Park? (using a timer and counting)
Can you collect nature items and place them on the numbers on the floor?
In school we had a Numberblocks hunt - We looked for numbers from 1 - 10 around the school by reading the clues to find out where the next number might be hiding.